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DACS: List of Figures
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List of Figures

  1. Typical DACS-based home studio configuration.
  2. Typical DACS-based broadcast application.
  3. Typical DACS-based theatre audio application.
  4. Typical DACS-based live sound application.
  5. DACS component hierarchy, generalized view.
  6. Control board, panel layout and silkscreen artwork.
  7. Control board concept rendering.
  8. Mixer unit panel layout and silkscreen artwork.
  9. Mixer unit concept rendering.
  10. Control board, overall system diagram.
  11. Control board, module-level system diagram.
  12. Control board, fader module diagram.
  13. Control board, output assignment module diagram.
  14. Control board, transport module diagram.
  15. Axiom CMM-11A8 single-board computer, used in the mixer unit.
  16. Mixer unit, overall system diagram.
  17. Mixer unit, module-level system diagram (analog).
  18. Mixer unit, module-level system diagram (digital).
  19. Mixer unit, audio input module diagram.
  20. Mixer unit, audio mix module diagram. Systems shall have four, eight or sixteen of these modules.
  21. Mixer unit, bus combiner module diagram (input buses).
  22. Mixer unit, bus combiner module diagram (output buses).
  23. Mixer unit, digital VU module diagram.
  24. Mixer unit, balanced audio output module diagram.
  25. Mixer unit, unbalanced audio output module diagram.
  26. Axiom CMD-11A8 single-board computer, used in the mixer unit.
  27. 4 circuit 0.156in spaced connector, used for power distribution in the control board.
  28. Mixer unit gain structure diagram, input section.
  29. Mixer unit gain structure diagram, mixer section.
  30. Mixer unit gain structure diagram, output section.
  31. 8 circuit Molex Mini-Fit Jr. connector, used for power distribution in the mixer unit.
  32. Audio input bus pinouts. The 32 audio inputs are carried on four 16-pin headers. $\dag$ GND is only connected at the bus combiner board.
  33. Audio output bus pinouts. The 16 audio outputs are carried on two 16-pin headers. $\dag$ GND is only connected at the bus combiner board.
  34. DACS Pbus , physical description. A standard 0.100 inch DIP header of 20 pins shall be used to connect each PC board to the bus. The bus itself shall be carried on 20 conductor ribbon cable, with each PC board connection made via a 20 conductor IDC. All signals are standard TTL levels.
  35. Pbus timing diagram for input (Pbus master reading slave).
  36. Pbus timing diagram for output (Pbus master writing to slave).
  37. DACS control board prototype Pbus I/O map.
  38. Mixer unit Pbus I/O map.
  39. Analog-to-digital converter connector pinouts.
  40. DACS board prototype A/D connector assignments.
  41. Fader module, address decoding GAL pin layout.
  42. Fader module, analog multiplexer circuit for potentiometers.
  43. Fader module, LED driver schematic. The module needs two of these circuits, for a total of 16 LEDs.
  44. Output assign module, address decoding GAL.
  45. Output assign module, momentary pushbutton decoding schematic. The output assign module uses three of these circuits, for a total decoding capability of 18 on-board and 6 off-board buttons.
  46. Output assign module, LED driver schematic. This module uses two such circuits, for a total of 16 LEDs.
  47. Output assign module, 7-segment display decoder and driver schematic.
  48. Transport control module, address decoding GAL schematic.
  49. Transport control module, momentary pushbutton decoder schematic.
  50. Transport control module, rotary encoder interface schematic. This also acts as the interface for the encoder on the universal interface module.
  51. Transport control module, LED driver schematic.
  52. Transport control module, track select 7-segment display decoder and driver schematic.
  53. Transport control module, time indicator 7-segment display decoder and driver schematic.
  54. Universal user interface submodule, rotary encoder schematic. This circuit connects to the transport control encoder interface.
  55. Universal user interface submodule, momentary pushbutton interface schematic. This circuit connects to the output assign button interface.
  56. Cue stack submodule, momentary pushbutton interface schematic. This circuit connects to the output assign button interface.
  57. Audio input module, line receiver, buffer, and gain adjust schematic (2/8 of module).
  58. Audio mix module, analog circuit schematic (1/4 of module).
  59. Audio mix module, address decode GAL.
  60. Audio mix module, digital circuit schematic (1/4 of module).
  61. Bus switcher module, audio bus switching scheme for input bus 2.
  62. Bus switcher module, audio bus switching scheme for input bus 3.
  63. Bus switcher module, audio bus switching scheme for input bus 4.
  64. Bus combiner module, output bus combination schematic.
  65. Bus switcher/combiner module, address decoding GAL.
  66. Bus switcher/combiner module, digital and relay driver schematic.
  67. Audio output module, unbalanced driver schematic.
  68. Audio output module, balanced driver schematic.
  69. Audio mixer unit, power supplies for analog and digital circuitry.
  70. Screen shot from the Cypress Warp VHDL functional simulator.
  71. Fader module PCB, silkscreen/assembly drawing.
  72. Fader module PCB, component-side routing.
  73. Fader module PCB, solder-side routing.
  74. Output assign module PCB, silkscreen/assembly drawing.
  75. Output assign module PCB, component-side routing.
  76. Output assign module PCB, solder-side routing.
  77. Transport control module PCB, silkscreen/assembly drawing.
  78. Transport control module PCB, component-side routing.
  79. Transport control module PCB, solder-side routing.
  80. Audio input module PCB, silkscreen/assembly drawing.
  81. Audio input module PCB, component-side routing.
  82. Audio input module PCB, solder-side routing.
  83. Audio mix module PCB, silkscreen/assembly drawing.
  84. Audio mix module PCB, component-side routing.
  85. Audio mix module PCB, solder-side routing.
  86. Audio bus switcher/combiner PCB, silkscreen/assembly drawing.
  87. Audio bus switcher/combiner PCB, component-side routing.
  88. Audio bus switcher/combiner PCB, solder-side routing.
  89. Audio output module PCB, silkscreen/assembly drawing.
  90. Audio output module PCB, component-side routing.
  91. Audio output module PCB, solder-side routing.
  92. Control board chassis layout, top view.
  93. Mixer unit chassis layout, top view.
  94. Control board firmware, modular overview.
  95. Control board firmware, intelligent mode functional flow diagram.
  96. Control board firmware, dumb mode functional flow diagram.
  97. Mixer unit firmware, modular overview.
  98. Mixer unit firmware, intelligent mode functional flow diagram.
  99. Mixer unit firmware, dumb mode functional flow diagram.
  100. Mixer jobs, job slot vs. time.
  101. DACS firmware library, data flow and function interface overview.
  102. Serial protocol, 'clean' data framed for transmission.
  103. Serial protocol, 'unclean' data character stuffed and framed for transmission.
  104. DACS firmware library, module view with functions.
  105. Control board firmware, module view.
  106. Mixer unit firmware, module view.
  107. System view of DACS software components.
  108. Functional flow diagram of a typical DACS service provider.
  109. Functional flow diagram of q2q at the top level.
  110. Functional flow diagram of q2q in the run mode.
  111. Functional flow diagram of q2q in the edit mode.
  112. Preliminary form for ``edit cue'' function.
  113. Preliminary form for ``edit event trigger'' function.
  114. Preliminary form for ``build performance stack'' function.

Steve Richardson 2000-07-06
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