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DACS: Audio Output Module
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Audio Output Module

There are two audio output modules present in the prototype mixer unit. In the prototype, one board is configured for balanced audio while the other is configured for unbalanced audio. One single PC board design is used for both of these. Pads are available for 1/4 inch jacks and XLR jacks. Unbalanced boards require less components. This design was the most efficient possible for this situation. Figure 89 shows the silkscreen/assembly layer for this PC board. Table 8 shows the bill of materials for the audio output board. Figures 90 and 91 show the top and bottom routing for this board, respectively.

Figure 89: Audio output module PCB, silkscreen/assembly drawing.

Table 8: Audio output module, bill of materials. $\dag$ For balanced configuration only. $\ddagger $For unbalanced configuration only.
R1 - R8,R33 - R40 24 10K ohm 1% metal film$\dag $
R17,R19,R21,R23 8 20K ohm 1% metal film$\dag $
C1,C2 2 10uF electrolytic
C3 - C22 20 0.1uF monolithic
U1 - U8 8 NE5532$\dag $
U9 - U12 4 NE5532
J1 - J8 8 Re'an right-angle PCB mount XLR $\dag $
J9 - J16 8 Re'an PCB mount 1/4 inch switched $\ddagger $
J17 1 16-pin DIP header
J18 1 Molex Mini-Fit Jr. 8-circuit right-angle

Figure 90: Audio output module PCB, component-side routing.

Figure 91: Audio output module PCB, solder-side routing.

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Steve Richardson 2000-07-06
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