Next: Component Functional Design
Up: Control Board
Previous: Design Overview
Figure 95:
Control board firmware, intelligent mode functional flow diagram.
Figure 95 depicts a functional flow diagram for
the intelligent mode of the control board firmware. At system reset,
all components of the system are initialized. At that point, a
host synchronization mode is
entered, during which the host PC and the control board attempt to
communicate and correctly exchange information. Upon successful
completion of this synchronization, the control board sends
configuration information to the host PC describing installed options,
At this time, the main program loop is entered. The serial devices
are serviced, thereby processing incoming and outgoing data. Should a
complete frame of incoming data be received, that frame is processed
and interpreted. Assuming it contains valid command data, the command
is dispatched to the appropriate user interface primitive handler.
For example, if a command is received to generate a menu and return
the chosen value to the host computer, the appropriate action is
In some cases, the primitive handlers immediately return data to the
host computer, such as in the case of reading fader values, etc. In
these cases, the data are immediately inserted into the serial
After processing incoming frame data, or after no data have been
received from the serial subsystem, the timer counter is checked. If
this timer counter has reached particular cutoff values, functions are
executed. Some user interface primitives require periodic servicing,
such as the menu handling primitives.
After the timer routines are serviced, or if no timer routines are to
be serviced, control loops back to the top, and the serial devices are
again serviced. This loop continues until the unit is powered off.
Should, at any time, either the host PC or the control board become
``confused,'' the confused party shall re-enter synchronization mode.
Both the firmware and the host PC software shall recognize, in normal
operating mode, synchronization data coming from the opposite device.
This shall cause that device to also enter synchronization mode,
beginning the cycle again.
The initial firmware developed for the board, and indeed, the only presently
complete firmware, implements a ``dumb mode'' of operation. Figure
96 shows a functional flow diagram of this
operating mode.
Figure 96:
Control board firmware, dumb mode functional flow diagram.
Upon system reset, the various subsystems are initialized. At this
point, the main loop is entered. In this loop, all of the faders are
polled. If any of these faders have changed since the last poll,
MIDI-like controller data are output on the serial port. This loop
repeats until the system is powered off.
This mode of operation is exceptionally limited, however, due to time
constraints, the complete firmware system for the control board was
not able to be implemented as designed. It is believed that the
design is a good one, however.
Next: Component Functional Design
Up: Control Board
Previous: Design Overview
Steve Richardson
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