Next: Fader Module
Up: Control Board
Previous: System Description and Diagram
Figure 11 shows the various components of the
control board, at the module level. The control board is designed
in a modular fashion, such that larger models with dozens of faders,
transport controls, etc. can be built. In addition, an expansion port
provides the option to connect external add-ons, such as external
fader boards and meter bridges.
Figure 11:
Control board, module-level system diagram.
Unfortunately, there is very little module duplication possible in
this piece of hardware. The obvious options were to make one
large module, or use the approach presented here. This design was
chosen with an eye towards expandability as well as manufacturing cost.
Manufacturing one large PC board costs a significant amount of money,
whereas some money is saved by the duplication of the largest board,
the fader module. It can be argued that the cost of the components
required to connect all of the boards together is significant, but in
general it seems a wise decision from an engineering standpoint to
make smaller modules that can be combined into many different forms,
not to mention debugged in a more sane fashion. This technique is
often employed in lighting control boards, where different sized
boards are built from small, modular building blocks.
Next: Fader Module
Up: Control Board
Previous: System Description and Diagram
Steve Richardson
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