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Figure 5.23:
Computer rendering showing the effect of lighting an actor
from several different angles. From left to right, top to bottom:
from front overhead (low angle), from rear overhead (high angle), from
side, from front below actor, from directly overhead.
Another variable that lighting designers have control over is lighting
angle. Depending on how a person is lit, different features of the
person's body and face are accentuated. This can be used effectively
to make a character look sinister, mysterious, or larger than life.
Lighting that hides the face (back lighting) tends to make people more
nervous and less trusting of a character. Floor lighting and
downlighting can both make a character look larger than life, while side
lighting can make a character look mysterious. These techniques are
effective only if used sparingly. If overused, they become the norm
to the audience, and thus lose their effectiveness.
Steve Richardson
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