Next: Color
Up: Lighting Instruments
Previous: Ellipsoidal Reflector Spotlights
Self-contained automated lighting instruments that provide such
features as color changing, pattern changing, panning and tilting,
and strobing are available. These are the most complicated
instruments available, and involve a considerable number of
technologies. There are literally dozens of different designs of
automated lights from as many companies. Much competition exists
between these companies, making copyright infringement lawsuits
One of the most common designs involves aiming a focused light at
mirror that pans and tilts. The optics involved in focusing the light
are similar to those in an ellipsoidal instrument, but can vary
greatly. Often wheels are inserted at the focal point of the optical
system, allowing for color or pattern changes. A computer control
system coordinates all of the functions of the instrument, allowing
the instrument to be run by remote control.
A pair of High End Systems TrackSpots (tm) are used at WPI on a
regular basis. These instruments are of the type described above,
offering remote control of the position of the spotlight as well as
color, pattern, strobe, and dimming. Figure 5.8 shows
a TrackSpot, and Appendix Q provides specific information about
setting up these instruments.
It should be noted that, though automated instruments have been
available for quite some time, some trepidation exists among lighting
designers. Many do not trust the technologies and prefer to stick
with traditional lighting. Others claim that the effects produced
with automated instruments are tacky and lacking in professionalism.
However, many shows have taken advantage of the convenience and wide
array of effects that automated instruments offer with a great deal of
success. It is left to the discretion of the reader as to what
conclusions to draw about automated instruments.
Figure 5.8:
The TrackSpot, produced by High End Systems, an
example of an automated lighting instrument.
Next: Color
Up: Lighting Instruments
Previous: Ellipsoidal Reflector Spotlights
Steve Richardson
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