Next: Automation
Up: Cabling and Connectors
Previous: Line-Level
There are many means for connecting speakers to amplifiers, some
straightforward and others somewhat complex. Speaker cables are
fairly heavy gauge unshielded cables. Eighteen gauge wire (commonly
referred to as lamp cord or zip cord) is about the
smallest speaker cable found in professional audio systems, while
twelve or ten gauge is about the largest. Large cable is needed
because of the high currents necessary to drive the speakers. Small
cable can not adequately carry the signal to drive large speakers, and
will significantly degrade performance if it is used.
Many types of connectors are used to hook speakers to
amplifiers. Sometimes bare wire is used with 5-way binding
posts on the speakers and amplifiers. This scheme works reasonably
well for permanent installations, but is impractical for portable
systems that must be taken apart frequently. Phone plugs, often used
for line-level signals, are also frequently found on speakers.
Companies such as Neutrik, Inc. produce advanced locking
multi-conductor speaker connectors. These types of connectors are
ideal in bi-amped or tri-amped systems, where several individual
speaker connections have to be made. Often racks of amplifiers and
the speaker cabinets are outfitted with multi-conductor connectors
such as Neutrik Speak-Ons. A special multi-conductor speaker
cable with mating Speak-On connectors is used to connect the
speaker to the amplifier, making the process of connecting up a
tri-amped system incredibly simple. These types of connectors are
used at WPI on the school's largest sound reinforcement speakers.
Other non-standard connectors such as twist-locks are used at
WPI, because of availability and because of their locking
characteristics. Figure 6.14 depicts the speaker
connectors most commonly used at WPI.
Figure 6.14:
Commonly used speaker connectors. Twist-lock is rarely seen for audio use
outside of WPI.
Next: Automation
Up: Cabling and Connectors
Previous: Line-Level
Steve Richardson
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