Next: Stairs
Up: Set Pieces
Previous: Platforms
To create the illusion of interior and exterior walls, flats are
used. There are two main types of flats: the soft flat and
the hard flat. Regardless of the type, they serve essentially
the same purpose.
Soft flats are constructed out of lumber and fabric. A wood frame
supports a piece of stretched cloth that is painted to look like
whatever type of wall is necessary. Soft flats have the advantage of
being extremely light and easy to transport, but they are not
especially durable, requiring quite a bit of care to avoid damage.
Hard flats are constructed mainly of lumber. A typical hard flat is
constructed from a sheet of 1/4 inch plywood and a frame of one by
three inch lumber. This gives hard flats a distinct advantage
over soft flats in that hard flats can take much more abuse without
being destroyed. It is also quite a bit easier to build doors and
windows into hard flats. Hard flats are used exclusively at WPI
because of these advantages. Figure 3.3 shows the
construction of a hard flat.
Figure 3.3:
Construction of a typical hard flat. 1 inch lumber is used for
frame and 1/4 inch plywood is used to cover it.
Next: Stairs
Up: Set Pieces
Previous: Platforms
Steve Richardson
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