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DACS: Component Functional Design
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Component Functional Design

User interface primitives perform functions such as changing the state of LEDs, changing the contents of LCDs, displaying menu options on an LCD, and reading buttons or sliders. These functions, called by the host computer over a serial linkup, work together to form the logic of the user interface. Table 9 lists the user interface primitives.

Table 9: Control board user interface primitives.
primitive input data output description
send fader values none fader value bytes returns all faders
send button values none button value bytes returns all buttons
send wheel counts none wheel count ints returns all wheel counts
      since last poll
set LED values byte masks none sets LEDs on or off based on masks
set 7-segment display id and value none sets 7-segment display to value
LCD string write LCD id, string, x, y none displays string at x,y on LCD
LCD bitmap display LCD id, sx, sy, data none displays sx*sy bitmap on LCD
  x, y   at position x,y
menu handler menu items, type, item id scrollable menu handler
  x, y (when selected) allows host to create menu options.
      user selects, host is notified of choice.
text data entry string length, x, y string allows user to enter
    (when done) string 'arcade style'

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Steve Richardson 2000-07-06
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