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This is the header file for mixer.c. This contains a structure
for setting mixer register values as well as function prototypes.
* DACS : Distributed Audio Control System
* File: mixer.h
* Author: Stephen S. Richardson
* Date Created: 04.21.97
* Environment: GNU C Compiler (GCC) v2.7.1, Linux i486 v2.0.28
* Build: make
* The code, executables, documentation, firmware images, and all related
* material of DACS are
* Copyright (C) 1997 Stephen S. Richardson - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
#ifndef _mixer
#define _mixer
#include "midi.h"
#define NUMCHIPREGS 128
struct mix_control {
unsigned char chipreg[NUMCHIPREGS]; /* chip registers */
unsigned char midictrl[128]; /* MIDI controller registers */
void controller_translate (struct mix_control *mc, int fd);
void mixer_reset (struct midi_stream *ms);
Steve Richardson
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