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DACS: MIDI Handler Header, midi.h
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MIDI Handler Header, midi.h

This is the header file for midi.c. It defines several command bytes from the MIDI protocol as well as gives function prototypes for the MIDI functions.
 * DACS : Distributed Audio Control System
 *         File: midi.c
 *       Author: Stephen S. Richardson
 * Date Created: 04.21.97
 *  Environment: GNU C Compiler (GCC) v2.7.1, Linux i486 v2.0.28
 *        Build: make
 * The code, executables, documentation, firmware images, and all related
 * material of DACS are  
 * Copyright (C) 1997 Stephen S. Richardson - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

#ifndef _midi
#define _midi

#define MIDIDATABUFSZ   10            /* size of the MIDI data buffer */

/* run status */
#define MSTART          0x01          /* "start" received */
#define MSTOP           0x02          /* "stop" received */
#define MCONT           0x03          /* "continue" received */

#define MIDICMD_NOTEOFF 0x80          /* note off */
#define MIDICMD_NOTEON  0x90          /* note on */
#define MIDICMD_AFTER   0xA0          /* aftertouch */
#define MIDICMD_CONTROL 0xB0          /* controller */
#define MIDICMD_PROGRAM 0xC0          /* program change */
#define MIDICMD_PRESS   0xD0          /* channel pressure */
#define MIDICMD_BEND    0xE0          /* pitch wheel */

#define MIDICMD_SYSEXST 0xF0          /* sysex start */
#define MIDICMD_SYSEXEN 0xF7          /* sysex end */

#define MIDICMD_MTCQF   0xF1          /* MIDI time code quarter frame */
#define MIDICMD_SPP     0xF2          /* song position pointer */
#define MIDICMD_SONGSEL 0xF3          /* song select */
#define MIDICMD_TUNEREQ 0xF6          /* tune request */

#define MIDICMD_CLOCK   0xF8          /* realtime: clock */
#define MIDICMD_START   0xFA          /* realtime: start */
#define MIDICMD_CONT    0xFB          /* realtime: continue */
#define MIDICMD_STOP    0xFC          /* realtime: stop */
#define MIDICMD_ASENSE  0xFE          /* realtime: active sense */
#define MIDICMD_RESET   0xFF          /* realtime: reset */

/* generic logical MIDI protocol handling structure */
struct midi_stream {
  int fd;                             /* file descriptor for device */
  unsigned char cmd;                  /* current command */
  unsigned char chan;                 /* current channel for command */
  unsigned char data[MIDIDATABUFSZ];  /* data for command */
  unsigned char obuf[MIDIDATABUFSZ];  /* output buffer for device */
  unsigned char *dptr;                /* pointer to current data */
  unsigned int dcount;                /* 'countdown' expected bytes for cmd */
  unsigned long int midiclock;        /* MIDI clock */
  unsigned char runstatus;            /* MIDI run status */
  unsigned char resetflag;            /* MIDI reset flag */
  unsigned char validdata;            /* is cmd valid? */

/* function prototypes */
int midi_openser (char *devnam, int bd);
int midi_openmidi (char *devnam);
void midi_readstream (struct midi_stream *ms);
int midi_datawaiting (struct midi_stream *ms);


Steve Richardson 2000-07-06
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