Next: Mixer Driver Code, mixdrv.c
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The following header defines many values for mixer unit configuration,
defines configuration structures, and provides function prototypes.
* DACS : Distributed Audio Control System
* File: mixdrv.h
* Author: Stephen S. Richardson
* Date Created: 04.14.97
* Environment: ICC11 v4.0, 68HC11 target
* Build: library, not standalone
* The code, executables, documentation, firmware images, and all related
* material of DACS are
* Copyright (C) 1997 Stephen S. Richardson - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
* Source code control:
* $Id: mixdrv.h,v 1.1 1997/07/13 01:22:23 prefect Exp prefect $
#ifndef _mixdrv
#define _mixdrv
/* masks for writing to the SSM2163's on the mixer module cards */
#define CHIP0 0xA8
#define CHIP1 0xA2
#define CHIP2 0x8A
#define CHIP3 0x2A
#define CHIPALL 0x00
#define MAXMIXBRDS 16
#define MAXINPBRDS 4
#define MAXOUTBRDS 2
#define MAXOPTBRDS 2
#define MIX_2163x4 1 /* ID byte for stock 4xSSM2163 mix module card */
#define MIX_2163x4V 2 /* ID byte for stock 4xSSM2163 with trim ctrl */
#define IN_ANALOG8 1 /* ID byte for 8-input analog input card */
#define IN_DIGITAL8 2 /* ID byte for 8-input digital input card (TBD) */
#define OUT_ANALOG8 1 /* ID byte for 8-output analog card */
#define OUT_DIGITAL8 2 /* ID byte for 8-output digital output card (TBD) */
#define OPT_BUSCOMB 1 /* ID byte for input/output bus combiner */
#define OPT_VU 2 /* ID byte for digital VU meter board */
#define NO_BRD 0 /* NO board installed */
struct mixer_unit_info {
unsigned char id; /* unit ID of this DACS mixer (from host) */
unsigned char serno[12]; /* serial number of this mixer (factory) */
unsigned char ver[30]; /* version number of firmware (compile) */
unsigned char mix_brd[MAXMIXBRDS]; /* ID bytes for mixer boards */
unsigned char mix_brds; /* number of mixer boards installed */
unsigned char inp_brd[MAXINPBRDS]; /* ID bytes for input boards */
unsigned char inp_brds; /* number of input boards installed */
unsigned char out_brd[MAXOUTBRDS]; /* ID bytes for output boards */
unsigned char out_brds; /* number of output boards installed */
unsigned char opt_brd[MAXOPTBRDS]; /* ID bytes for option boards */
unsigned char opt_brds; /* number of option boards installed */
unsigned char hostname[17]; /* name of host unit is connected to */
extern struct mixer_unit_info unit;
void mix_get_system_config (void);
void mix_system_init (void);
void mix_reset_mixers (void);
void mix_reset_buscomb (void);
void mix_reset_vu (void);
void pbus_mwrite (unsigned char addx, unsigned char data0,
unsigned char data1, unsigned char data2,
unsigned char data3, unsigned char mask);
Steve Richardson
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