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The following GNU Makefile is used to build the firmware image
for the mixer unit. A standard Motorola S19 file is produced when
the files are built. This image can be downloaded to the EEPROM on
the embedded microcontroller board using special software.
# DACS : Distributed Audio Control System
# Model 411 Modular Automated Audio Mixer / Firmware Build File
# The code, executables, documentation, firmware images, and all related
# material of DACS are
# Copyright (C) 1997 Stephen S. Richardson - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
CC = icc11
PROGS = links mixer
S19DIR = $(MAINDIR)/s19
DACSLIB = ../dacslib
all: $(PROGS)
# set up links to DACSlib files, since icc11 3.6 can't do what i want..
# remember to change this if 'local' copies of the lib funcs are used
# (so they don't get overwritten)
# also change the make clean stuff if locals are used.
rm -f SCIserial.h SCIserial.c pbus.h pbus.c stdlcd.h
rm -f stdlcd.c ACIAserial.c ACIAserial.h
ln -s $(DACSLIB)/SCIserial.c SCIserial.c
ln -s $(DACSLIB)/SCIserial.h SCIserial.h
ln -s $(DACSLIB)/ACIAserial.c ACIAserial.c
ln -s $(DACSLIB)/ACIAserial.h ACIAserial.h
ln -s $(DACSLIB)/pbus.c pbus.c
ln -s $(DACSLIB)/pbus.h pbus.h
ln -s $(DACSLIB)/stdlcd.c stdlcd.c
ln -s $(DACSLIB)/stdlcd.h stdlcd.h
mixer: links buildnum
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -omixer.s19 *.c -D_MIXER
cp mixer.s19 /tmp
chmod a+r /tmp/mixer.s19
mv mixer.s19 $(S19DIR)
mv *.o $(OBJDIR)
rm -f mixer.s19 *.o *~ $(S19DIR)/mixer.s19 $(OBJDIR)/*.o
rm -f SCIserial.h SCIserial.c pbus.h pbus.c
Steve Richardson
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