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The following header file is very similar to SCIserial.c,
except it provides declarations for R65C51 ACIA (Asynchronous
Communications Interface Adapter) communications. This ACIA is
present on the CMD-11A8 single-board computer used in the mixer unit.
* DACS : Distributed Audio Control System
* File: ACIAserial.h
* Author: Stephen S. Richardson
* Date Created: 07.14.97
* Environment: ICC11 v4.0, 68HC11 target
* Build: library
* The code, executables, documentation, firmware images, and all related
* material of DACS are
* Copyright (C) 1997 Stephen S. Richardson - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
* Source code control:
* $Id: ACIAserial.h,v 1.1 1997/07/23 22:12:31 prefect Exp prefect $
#ifndef _ACIAserial
#define _ACIAserial
/* ACIA port definitions (CMD11A8) */
#define ACIACTRL *(unsigned char *)(0xB5FB)
#define ACIACMD *(unsigned char *)(0xB5FA)
#define ACIASTAT *(unsigned char *)(0xB5F9)
#define ACIADATA *(unsigned char *)(0xB5F8)
/* frame markers */
#define DLE 0x10 /* data link escape */
#define STX 0x02 /* start transmit */
#define ETX 0x03 /* end transmit */
/* buffers and lengths */
#define MAXPAYLOAD 128 /* maximum length of the payload */
#define MAXFRLEN MAXPAYLOAD+MAXPAYLOAD+4 /* max frame length */
#define INBUFLEN MAXFRLEN+1 /* size of input buffer */
#define OUTBUFLEN MAXFRLEN+1 /* size of output buffer */
/* errors */
#define ERRTOOBIG 10 /* frame done; was too big! */
/* structures */
struct cooked_frame { /* character stuffed frame */
unsigned int len;
unsigned int cur;
unsigned char done;
unsigned char data[MAXFRLEN];
struct raw_frame { /* unstuffed frame */
unsigned int len;
unsigned int cur;
unsigned char done;
unsigned char dleflag;
unsigned char stflag;
unsigned char data[MAXPAYLOAD];
int ACIA_poll_in (unsigned char *c);
char ACIA_block_in (void);
void ACIA_chout (unsigned char ch);
void ACIA_out (char *s);
void ACIA_init (void);
void ACIA_prep_raw (struct raw_frame *raw);
void ACIA_prep_cooked (struct cooked_frame *cooked);
void ACIA_data_to_cooked (char *data, int len, struct cooked_frame *cooked);
int ACIA_service (struct raw_frame *inraw, struct cooked_frame *outfr);
Steve Richardson
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