Shifty's Death Synth v1.1
MIDI Controller Numbers
1 - Waveform A - Sine, Squ, Tri, Saw, Noise, 1/x, Bursty, Tri-phase
2 - Waveform B - Tri, Sine, Square, Saw, 1/x, Noise, Bursty, Tri-Phase
3 - AB Phase - 0<->63=0<->360 deg, 64<->127=LFO
5 - Oscillator A Transpose
10 - Osc. A/B Combine Operation (see below)
11 - Bit Reduction 0=normal, 127=Lo-Fi
14 - Decay Rate - 0=slow, 127=fast
15 - Master Volume
16 - Synth Pan
17 - Input #1 Level
18 - Input #2 Level
19 - Sync Mode/Phase- 0<->127=A Resyncs B, 64<->127 B Resyncs A
22 - LPF Osc #1 - 0=No effect, 127=low pass filtered
23 - LPF Osc #2 - 0=No effect, 127=low pass filtered
24 - Fricasee B
25 - reserved for Oscillator B Detune
80 - General Purpose Button- 0-63="Off", program returns to monitor
Combine Operations
0 - Addition
1 - Addition w/ Overdrive
2 - Addition w/ Rollover
3 - Multiply
4 - And
5 - Or
6 - Xor
7 - Max(A,B)
8 - A>B?(A+B):0 Slight Overdrive
9 - Wave A Pass-Thru
10 - Wave B Pass-Thru
11 - Wave A Pass-Thru (reserved for shift mixing)
12 - Multiply and Add Slight Imbalance/OverDrive
13- C64 Style Ring Mod