Shifty Death Synthesizer H.Q. climb on board...

The Home-Built Effect Processor Express

What you see before you is an OPEN DSP system. People are currently using it to create some of the most ORIGINAL-SOUNDING EFFECTS and INSTRUMENTS in the world, since its architecture is open. Its users tweak, modify, CUSTOMIZE, improve and develop the software it comes with.

It's inexpensive and can be quite portable. It runs MIDI or connects to your Palm Pilot. Some programs don't require either to make fun and useful effects.

Demo Sounds and DSP Programs

Most Custom Synth developers develop original programs which you can't get through any other means.

Remixer Automatically remix sounds into new sounds! NEWest!!!
Combyops All the Combyops from Death Synth! NEW!!!
Oddelay Self-FM Delay
Sinlut Sinusoidal Lookup Table Waveshaper NEW!
Burrito The ultimate MIDI controller program for Palm Pilot and EZ-Kit Lite devices!
Xpand Spectral Inversion and Un-Inversion to enhance your existing FX!
Click-O Acrid Distortion sound with randomizing paramters
Modulation Domain Not the freq, not the time, but MODulation domain.
GenMusic Algorithmic programs-- synthesize an entire pseudo-random song! (created by a user on our mailing list)
SVF State-Variable Filter, a.k.a. Multi-Mode
Template Updated!!! a template to get you started writing your effect own algorithm.
Finally! Hear the effects on an audio stream of AND, OR, and XOR! (with source code and build scripts!)
HarmEQ Download version 0.2 now! timbre re-arranger/harmonic equalizer
Rim Job a Ring Mod with some Special Features (created by a user on our mailing list)
Death Synth a many-parameter variable synthesizer
Skank raunchy multi-effects box
Fmadness screamingly weird modulator with extra controls

Development Community

If you like what you see and hear, here are the instructions to build this Portable DSP System and as well as MIDI and Palm Pilot Interfaces.

Click here to join the discussion list.

Brian Whitman's HAND-HELD MUSIC programs go well with the Portable DSP System: they talk to the EZ-Kit Lite DSP programs like Death Synth, Fmadness, Finally, Skank, etc., as well as other MIDI equipment like synths, effect processors and drum machines.

All ADSP-2181 DSP programs on this page are MIDI capable. Mac and PC-Based sequencers control them with ease. But if you are on the go, like small electronics, or need to kill some time on a commuting train, you can control the Death Synth and others from the touch screen of your Palm Pilot! This is fun to do in the dark with headphones on!


Various Case Designs
Miscellaneous EZ-Kit Imagery
Experimenter's Heaven

Operating System Files for the Portable DSP System

Most of this software is released under the GPL. How to release YOUR software under the GPL.

DSPLoad V0.2
DFS.exe (DOS app)

"Didn't you ever wish for some *interesting* dsp effects?"


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Check out the Snackmaster mp3 of the day

(this page has been accessed 1418 times since September 11th, 2001)