danarchy: Dan Martins | Mon Jun 24 08:22:34 2024 |
Holy crap, The Plan-O-Rama is still working!
nason: Benj Lipchak | Sun Jul 3 12:04:34 2022 |
Atari is 50. And the Plan-o-rama has reached legal drinking age.
jer: Jer Johnson | Sat Apr 20 12:26:24 2019 |
2019, yo!
drakmar: Noah Abrahams | Fri Oct 20 16:17:55 2017 |
A return to the world's slowest chat client...
lost: Sue Foss | Fri Sep 6 14:03:28 2013 |
I got nothing!
Wow - finally able to log into gweep for the first time in 7 years... I had a fe
mikecap: Mike Caprio | Fri Sep 16 16:31:17 2011 |
dawn: Dawn M Varacchi-Ives | Sun Dec 12 19:28:47 2010 |
testing, testing. . .
is this thing on?
(hi drak!)
rbetts: Ryan Betts | Mon Jun 22 15:43:34 2009 |
I am a fan of Benj Lipchak.
fear: Tara Halwes | Fri Dec 26 11:05:25 2008 |
-=[ how to reach me ]=-
best way to get me is now
firstnamelastname at gmail dot com
I check sidehack mail every few days but often in a skimming-only
capacity as this is where much of my mailing lists and spam go.
also, you can call me.
also, as of January 2009 I should be living a lot closer to a
bunch of you so you can come over and visit. Weee.
vanguard: Joe Amato | Thu Nov 13 00:31:44 2008 |
This is the exact type of thinking I hoped would happen if the Republicans
got trounced in the election. They need to reinvent. Governor Tim
Pawlenty of Minnesota seems to start to get it...
"We cannot be a majority governing party when we essentially cannot compete
in the Northeast, we are losing our ability to compete in Great Lakes
states, we cannot compete on the West Coast, we are increasingly in danger
of competing in the mid-Atlantic states, and the Democrats are now winning
some of the western states," he said. "That is not a formula for
being a majority governing party in this nation."
"And similarly," he went on, "we cannot compete, and prevail, as a
majority governing party if we have a significant deficit, as we do, with
women, where we have a large deficit with Hispanics, where we have a large
deficit with African-American voters, where we have a large deficit with
people of modest incomes and modest financial circumstances. Those are not
factors that make up a formula for success going forward."
Mr. Pawlenty spoke of the two main lines of thought. "One perspective
is, the Republicans lost their way," he said. "There will be calls,
and voices across the country for Republicans to return to traditional
conservative approaches in almost all respects."
"A second viewpoint will be the country's changing a lot," he
said. "The country is changing culturally, demographically,
technologically, economically, and the like. And the Republican Party
isn't changing in a way that reflects those major, or macro changes
across the country."
"And so there will be a call from these voices to quote unquote
'modernize' the party," he said.
"The good news is both are true, and both can be harmonized in my view,"
he said. "We can be both conservative and we can be modern at the same
hansford: Andrew Hansford | Wed Oct 29 01:21:08 2008 |
Spore Review
TED Spread
a lifetime of temporary relief
goom: Kim Belli | Tue Sep 16 00:19:28 2008 |
abate: Seann M. Ives | Tue Aug 19 16:02:11 2008 |
in case anyone here doesn't read my lj but does happen to check this
from time to time, my last gig for the year anyway with the rockabilly
band The Knuckledusters is this Saturday (Aug 23rd) at Johnny D's in
Somerville (http://www.johnnyds.com/). Come on down!
mouse: Mick Darling | Thu Mar 27 17:44:23 2008 |
Dawn, I like the bebe names. How 'bout
Itsal Ives
It works better if you say it fast and cackle.
magnum: tom | Sun Feb 3 23:57:18 2008 |
My hovercraft is full of eels.
jessicas: Jessica Taura Sands | Fri Jan 11 20:28:30 2008 |
Damn...I should read the plan more often!
Congrats Steve and Marybeth!!!
I now know 3 people who got engaged in December! Craziness!
Have fun wedding planning!
jmedicus: Jeremy Medicus | Fri Nov 16 19:32:44 2007 |
The Cake is a lie!
louise: Katie Horning Pearson | Tue Oct 16 03:22:13 2007 |
i just want to sleep! is that so wrong?
oh and since i should post it here for non-lj folks...
troll and i are expecting a baby girl around the end of february.
shadohrt: Justin T. Cole | Mon Sep 10 16:44:56 2007 |
Not quite dead yet.
council: Chad Council | Mon Oct 30 07:30:26 2006 |
No gweep access during the day. Sad. I've
setup forwarding of email though.
My weekend: Tree vs. Powerline.
sarahl: Sarah Xavier | Wed Apr 13 15:35:16 2005 |
Countdown: 1.5 months until 19 years of school comes to an end....
dragon: Chomper Park | Wed Feb 16 19:11:13 2005 |
Anyone seen $10 million laying around...
I think in another life I dropped it.