Igashu's 20 Answers to 20 Questions v2.0

recent changes to this document

1. How would you describe your character? Start from the head and go all the way down to the toes. Is your character tall, short, wide, or slender? Is his nose short or long? How about eyes? Are they watchful and discerning, or steady and unnerving? What about neck and shoulders? Does your character have any distinctive scars or tattoos? What about your character's voice?

You can't just see for yourself? *sigh* Your questions are going to get really hard aren't they? I'd best answer the easy ones then... I have fair skin, dirty blonde hair, brown eyes, and generally stay pretty clean shaven. I'm not overly tall, or short, or fat, or skinny, my athletic pursuits of late are starting to show, but I'm not abnormally muscled or anything. With the proper clothes I can look like any average man on the street. The reverse is also true, but there's a time and place for looking good... most of the time I just like to blend. I suppose if you need some numbers I'm about 5'8", and 170 lbs.

I brought a few picutres of me from various co-ops I did while with Praconus Praxeum. They might provide a a nice visual reference.

learning to ride
learning to ride

Claire and me

2. Is your character a Jedi Warrior or a Jedi Knight (or even a Jedi Scholar) This distinction can be critical in many ways. Is he just out for the action or is he the Samurai warrior/poet/scholars that Jedi are idealized to be?

None of the above? I'm not a warrior, at least not simply a warrior. Fighting is a last resort, and always should be. Unfortunately I've had a great deal of experience doing in those situations. It's sometimes a source of potential frustration for me, since I view fighting as something you do when you've screwed up something else. Other times it's just a reminder that no one can control or predict every event in the universe. Sometimes you have to go with the flow. On the other hand... The training to fight is loads of fun, unpredictable, physically exhausting, and in a way freeing. It helps to exhaust me, and center me so that I can focus on meditation... without that workout, I usually have difficulty remaining focused and free from distractions, I just pay attention to too much all at once.

I'm not a scholar either, at least not a simple dorky book bound scholar. I'm certainly smart, and knowledgeable... I've done my fair share of research in the library lately, but that was just a jump start. When I back to Coruscant I'll start doing my research on my feet. I also tend be an intuitive rather than methodical in my investigations, and so I tend to jump around alot in my studies. There is a bad habit I have of learning more from trial and error type experiences or meditation rather than from a book or lecture. It's not horrible of course, but it can be dangerous at times so I should probably work on moderating it a bit. Though J'ror gave some kickn' lectures on saber repair recently. Maybe it all depends on the teacher?

I suppose I could be a samurai type... but why bother? There is honor amongst theives, but it's not a samurai type of honor... And I was a thief before I was a Jedi. Sure I control my materialistic urges, but to this day I don't have any issues with breaking and entering, or pickpocketing if it will get the job done and avoid confrontations that could lead to a fight. No Samurai I've ever heard of would do or even say such a thing. Those Samurai also tend to be poets... and I'm certainly not a poet. I am creative, and I tell a good yarn in a pinch. There's just no poetry there yet. Maybe I should read a bit more about that... I've been meaning to pick up a bit of culture. Chicks dig that sort of stuff. Back to the Samurai thing though. Most importantly I'm a bit more chaotic than I picture a samurai being. I rarely show any hit of discipline and that's something I usually associate with that archetype. I am disciplined... it's just in a different way. Always working, but always on something new or something he hasn't worked on for a while.

If I was to pick an archatype... I'd be more of a rogue or swashbuckler. Like the suave secret agent, or slightly scruffy thief with a heart of gold that you'd see in the holos. I'm still a bit young, and I suppose I'll calm down a bit as I age. Though I like to think I'll always be a bit carefree and aloof. Life is just more fun that way.

3. What about your character's family? Even though most of you didn't have a family life per say, what about the people that raised you? What about the other kids at the Chapter House you bunked with? What about your friends growing up? Everyone has some friends and there's almost always a singular event or type of event surrounding that relationship.

Orphan! Woo Me! Actually, that was supposed to be a sarcastic "Woo". My parents are vague memories, and blurry images that haunt my dreams and deep meditation sessions. I was orphaned early on, left on the streets to fend for myself. Old enough to walk and talk, I should have memories of what happend and why I was left but I don't. Maybe it's a mental block caused by trauma, or maybe it's something worse. Either way I lived on the streets for years with only my friends Scratch, Ruff, and Squeek to keep me company. Not exactly something to excitedly "woo" about. It wasn't all bad though, I lived through it and made some good friends. Together my buddies and I we were the kings of petty theft, and that's what kept us warm and fed. Two important lessons were learned during this stage of my life. If you give up, you die it's over, but if you keep trying there's at least a chace you'll come out of it ok. Second, Ultimately you're alone in the world and the only person you can count on being there when you're in need is yourself. However, if you're lucky enough to have trusted friends, NEVER abandon them. Strength in numbers is no line of bull and besides, there's no greater treasure than a close friend.

Luckily I didn't continue down that path, and grow into a hardened criminal. Instead, I was caught in the act by a jedi of the Praconus Praxeum. Master Chinook took me back to the Praxeum and worked hard to get me accepted. Over my years there a number of incidents that caused most of the teachers there to question the wisdom of my enrollment. Were it not for the efforts of Master Chinook, and the fact that I was learning so quickly I might have easily been kicked out. Late in my years at the Praxeum though, I began to get restless, and took full advantage of the working co-op's offered outside the praxeum.

As for students I met at the praxeum... I had lots of "friends". Not close friends, people I shared with, but friendly acquaintences. Scratch, Ruff, and squeek found homes there, as mascots to various classes in the Praxeum and I was sorry to see them go, but happy for them since they were getting a bit old for travel. I roomed with Quindo for a while, and I just like him. I'm not sure why, most people feel the urge to pick on him, and I started hanging around with him to help him out a bit... felt kinda sorry for the guy. But later, I just enjoyed hanging with him. I don't think it did him alot of good though. I tended to get him in trouble alot, even without meaning to. Giving him contraband to make up for something, and he'd get caught... and then there was the time I nicked that saber, all blue and shiney. Acidentially nipped the end of his pinky, good thing he doesn't hold a grudge, 'cause he is top dog with the saber. Well for his age at least. At the Praxeum he used to waste those training bots, but lost most of his matches. It's obvious, now that he's climbing out of a shell of his own, that he had always been holding back. A few recent sparring matches, and encounters with Sith that ended in a fight really highlighted that for me. It's strange. Quindo and the gang have really become my family during the last few months, but I still don't feel comfortable opening up too much with them. Once in a while I let something out, like recently how I was a bit scared by the responsibility we were taking on, but mostly I keep it all to myself. Probably not a great habit in the long run...

4. What is your character's motivation? All great heroes have a motivation that can be summed up in a word. It is the thing that drives them, that doesn't let them fall when the pain and despair is too much. What is your character's motivation? Love? Pride? Stubborness? In short, when everything has gone from bad to worse to entirely hopeless, and everyone else has given up, what will keep your character going?

I was right you are going to ask some difficult questions. Well I have a tendancy to be very curious. It's a dangerous motivator, I know, and I try to keep it in check. I just can't seem to let things lie... recently I got it into my head that I'm going to specialize in investigative techniques and started looking for an appropriate master. The less I find on this guy the harder and more determined I am to find him. A master from the council asked "Why?" "What is your fascination with Jedi that never existed?" All could think of at the time was "it's just what I do!". Honestly I still haven't thought of a better answer, but I can put it in a better context I think. Quindo has a knack for sabers, and fighting. It's what he enjoys, what he does well. When he finds a master he will pick one who can help him specialize in that. Davin fixes things, like Quindo it's just what he does, what he's good at. He to will likely be allowed to selct a master and specialize himself in that area, despite what his fater may wish. For Elbram it's meditation, and for Nakail it was Scolarly pursuits. They will specialize in their areas. I won't let go of this crazy search because it's what I do. It's what I'm good at, and I think if there is a place out there for other Jedi who specialize in it then that's who I need to find, and who I need to learn from.

Recently I've found a second motivation. My time with the order seems to have given me a sense of right and wrong. Maybe I always had it, it's unimportant. Recently I've felt more of an urge to do the right thing, and not give in.

5. Who is the one person your character trusts most? This could be your character's Master or a sibling or other family member. Or, it might be someone else, a friend from outside or even any perfect stranger because you have nothing to lose with them. Once you've determined who it is, put some thought into why. Why does your character trust this one person over all others? It could make a very interesting story.

I suppose at this point it's hard to tell. He trusts himself, and his instincts above all others at this point, but even that he knows is falible. Of his small group, he knows Quindo the best, and feels most comfortable with him... N'Kael following a close second. Though he feels comfortable that he can trust them to do certain things, he has trouble relating to them. There's no personal connection that would allow him to share deeper personal thoughts and worries freely.

His teachers from the Praxeum have let him down, either through ignorance or purposefuly planted misinformation that could have killed them. Altair is another shining example of their order, forsaking the teachings Igashu picked up at the Praxeum by abandoning students to overwhelming odds and turning a tense situation openly violent. Tholin, a character who Igashu probably shouldn't trust, has been a better and more interesting teacher than he has had in quite a while. It leads to some confusion and inner turmoil, as his gut says Tholin is ok, but factual evidence points to a lot of different posibilities. Due to a rather interesting, and slightly disturbing dream Igashu's currently going with his gut on this one, and trusts him... a little.

The one Exception to the teachers at the Praxeum is Master Chinook. The master who took Igashu in off the streets, the one who mentored him through his adjusting to life as a jedi, the one who always stuck up for him no matter how much trouble he was in. There was punishment of course, but Master Chinook saw that Igashu was never dismissed from the praxeum... including the rather unfortunate incident where Quindo lost his pinky. I was banned from lightsaber practice for over a year. So I suppose I really would trust Chinook the most, the problem is that I've left the academy and am so fed up with the council, and the rest of our praxeum that I no longer have contact with him. As time goes on J'ror may step into the role, that Chinook played in my earlier life, but only time will tell.

6. What is your character's greatest strength? Greatest weakness? Is it his ability to get along with others? Ability to root out their secrets? His virtue? Devotion to the Jedi order? Skill and lying and covering up his misdeeds? His sincerity? Or maybe it's just his skill with a lightsaber. Conversely, anything that can be a strength can be a weakness. A character's weaknesses, however, are what makes us sympathize with him. And when a hero overcomes his own weaknesses, he teaches us how we can overcome our own.

Igashu's greatest strength is his natural ability to see things others miss, and his knack for dealing with people probably stems somewhat from this.

His weakness... he's a bit arrogant, and flamboyant. Age should help both of those. He bears an idealistic devotion to the jedi code, at least his interpretation of it, and has a horrible habit of being open and honest.

7. What does your character think of the Jedi Code? Remember that this is very similar to Bushido. There are good quotes in the WotC and many WEG products, I have the basic code in my rules set and below have a few more, plus the Bushido code. What does your character think of it? Is it a code that should be followed without question, or is it a list of guidelines? Should it be followed only when others are looking, or does it make your soul stronger? Is it completely outmoded and should be discarded?

The Jedi Code is a guide. It's intent should be carried in the heart of every Jedi, and it's teachings should be at the core of all actions.... at least in an ideal world. No one is perfect, least of all Igashu. He understands this and seeks to live up to the code to the best of his abilities, but knows there will be times he will make mistakes. There may even be times he strays from the path. A great fear of his is not having the strength to realize his mistakes and make his way back into the light.

8. What is your character's opinion of the Jedi Order? This one can be tricky -- is your character completely devoted to the Order or does he feel doubt? Does he vew the Order's weaknesses with a blind eye (what weaknesses?), or does he strive to try and mend them? Does he have faith in the Jedi leadership and hope to join them one day or does he recognize their weaknesses and plan to exploit them for his own ends? Not all Jedi are completely in the light and not all Jedi are out for Force, Chancellor, and Republic.

Igashu is strongly placed in the doubt camp. He's seen some pretty poor examples of jedi, and all were tied rather closely to the order. What he feels have been the best examples of Jedi that he has seen, have been least closely tied to the order. Perhaps like most organizations, it has become a vehicle for political power, and is being manipulated away from it's founder's goals. Or perhaps it's just grown too big, and arrogant for it's own good... only time will tell.

9. Does your character have any prejudices? Of course, being a Jedi will give you a certain viewpoint regarding other groups, but have you developed any on your own? Taken the rather bland Jedi view on everything? Is there some group you just hate? None of you have seen a Sith and probably don't even know anyone who's seen one. Many Jedi never encounter a Dark Side Force user. But there are many other groups that warrent attention, including the Republic itself. If you have any of your own opinions (which I hope you do), how did you get that way? What has kept the fires of hatred burning? How have you hidden it or gotten away with it during training? What would it take to douse them, if anything? Remember, Jedi are just as human (or alien) as the next being. A Jedi ca hate, it's how he deals with it that matters. Read the Brin commentary on what Lucas has done with hatred and Light and Dark. Many Jedi get at least one DSP in their careers.

Barring a very slight distrust of the jedi order that developed recently, Igashu has no prejudices to speak of. He's widely travelled, and very open minded.

Well, what does he think of the buisness magnates that put people out of work? Droids that replace factory workers? I suspect he might have stronger feelings about people getting kicked out onto the street etc.

Ok good point... I hadn't thought of it like that before. Due to his misfortunes early in life, there is a chip on the shoulder towards those who lead privilaged lives. He likes to think he's a better, and stronger person because of his trials. The reverse is also true, subconsciously he feels that people who haven't been tested, or had their own hardships are... weaker, less worth while... This feeling doesn't lead directly to a hostile attitude, but Igashu will trust such a person slightly less. They'll need to prove themselves in some way, maybe many ways before he displays confidence in their abilities. The hostility will show up when such a person displays arrogance, especially if they turn out to not be as good as they think.

Also those who exploit others hold a special place in his heart. In a subtle internal contradiction, Igashu doesn't wish anyone to suffer hardships unnecessarily (even though they're weaker for having been spared). Business magnates putting people out of work and replacing them with droids could be a good example. It is a sound business decision, and the way the world works... so long as the Magnate is providing layoff packages, reeducation incentives etc. so that his people are given the chance to not just survive but improve it's all fine. If it's simply a cold blooded decision to lower expenses and further line his already full pockets then he's got a lesson coming.... robin hood style! Slavers, Murderers, etc. Criminals who pick on the weaker or less fortunate fall in this same extreme camp, and would be brought to justice... roughly if necessary.

10. Is your character married? Engaged? Dating? Has he ever gotten to first? Is there anyone he has a crush on? Tough question, and a good one to consider. Romance is a powerful force in human emotion and everyone falls prey at one point or another. It can lead to great things and it can lead to terrible things. (i.e. Troy) What about your character?

There were a few flings on his various co-ops. Not much more than childhood infatuation, and maybe a makeout session. I figure it'll all still be relatively new to him if/when he finds it.

11. To whom does your character owe the most loyalty? Again, a difficult question. Do you owe your Master loyalty for training and bringing you up? Do you owe your parents loyalty for letting you train? Do you owe your SO loyalty out of love? Or is it someone else? A politician who has smoothed things over for you, gotten you some choice assignments? Even if there are no secred devotions, it can be a difficult question Who would the character choose between if there was a rift between his master and the Jedi Council (Qui-Gon vs. the Council, Dookoo vs. the Council, etc.)? Between his Master and the Republic? Between the Jedi and the Republic? What about his parents and the Jedi/Republic/etc.? All of these can come up eventually. Loyalty isn't as required as with Samurai, but it's still an important question. Hesitation breeds distrust on all sides.

Loyalty is to the Jedi Code, and my friends. I have no one else.

12. What are your characters favorite and least favorite things? Everyone has quirks, things they like and dislike for completely irrational reasons. Think about them for a while. What are your character's favorite foods? Does your character have a favorite brand of speeder? A favorite mount? What about a place he would hide in as a child? Find something your character loves and hates and remember the next time you encounter it.

He had animals as his best childhood friends... I imagine that's his favorite memory. Least favorite... haven't thought alot about this one... boring classes. Short attention span boy hates to sit still and work on something he finds boring.

Something probably sticks out more than just classes. As boring as they are, you can usually distract yourself. Perhaps some of his capers gone wrong, i.e. the ligtsaber theft?

Another good point. Worst memory, best memory... are in a way the same memory. It was the first week of saber training. I was studying hard, and learning quickly. I wasn't the best, that was Quindo hands down, but I was pretty good and improving quickly. Master Chinook was so proud, he even took me and the animals to a special dinner. He had always looked out for me, and of all the authority figures in my life, he was the closest to a parent... and when he rewarded my first week of study with a special dinner, and practice session I felt almost like I had a family. I think Chinook had seen my enthusiasm, and thought that he could use the saber training to help ground me. Keep me a out of trouble... so he started to teach the basics of the Cadence. Unfortunately for him, I proved too eager to show off what I was learning. I found a way to sneak into the training center, and steal away with a practice saber. In my demonstration of the Cadence (which I could not then, and still can not do successfully) I removed Quindo's finger. I was lucky that was the extent of the injuries, but it was enough. When I was punished I just remember Master Chinook staring at me while the other Masters lectured. He wasn't mad, but his disappointment was palpable. It was the worst feeling ever, and a rift started growing then. We've never been the same... He still looked out for me, but there was a distance that hadn't been there before.

Favorite things would include travelling, games (sabacc), mysteries, learning a new subject, and saber dueling (what young man wouldn't like that!).

Least favorite, monotonous mindless tasks, bantha burgers without blue sauce, failure.

13. Does your character have any recurring mannerisms? Think about it for a moment. Is there something your character does when he gets nervous? Does he bite his lip, pinch his fingers into his palm, or chew on his cheek? What are his favorite ways of saying "hello" and "goodbye"? When he curses, how does he do it?

Other than pratical jokes, and a desire to annoy? none that I've thought of.

Think a bit more on this. Modes of speech, sayings and throwaway words("cool", "dude", "like") and so forth are things that he might have. If not, then no. But it's a bit more interesting. Perhaps even an accent from his homeworld.

"I didn't do it!" and "It's not my fault!" are commonly exclaimed when something goes wrong... even if they're lies.

14. What about your character's psychology? When it comes to emotions, which ones does he have a handle on and which ones get the better of him? Is it hard for him to restrain his anger or hatred? Does his passion always get the better of him? Does he have a deep, resounding laughter that he just cannot keep locked in his belly? What song or movie brings tears to his eyes?

Laughter... Igashu learned to laugh at everything early in life, if he hadn't his childhood would have been insufferable. Anger, stress, and tension tend to turn in to laughter, sarcasm, and pranks rather than stay and fester. Trust is a difficult thing for him.

15. How would your character handle an insubordinate Padawan? While you are currently a Padawan learner, you'll definitely have certain views on this. They will likely change once you are eligible for your own...

God Igashu is way to irresponsible for this. Object lessons... let the student get in over his head. Let him see his mistakes first hand, while sticking close and out of sight, keeping the situation from turning deadly.

16. How would your character's parents (or guardians) describe him? This question reveals much about both your character and his relationship with his parents. Answer this one in the voice of your character's father, then go back and answer it again for your character's mother. You may come up with very different answers.

I have no parents. I would prefer to not describe their personality, and rather leave that mystery up to you.

Yeah... I think we can skip this one.

17. What are your character's highest ambitions? Is it to be a teacher at the Jedi Academy, or perhaps leading an army of Jedi against a Sith stronghold? Perhaps all he looks foreward to is retirement and meditation. Impressing a parent, master, or other person is a good (if frustrating) motivation as well as winning the love of some Senator from a rather important world with annoying natives. After you've discovered the ambition, think about what lengths your character would go to gain that goal. What would they sacrifice to achieve their ambition(s)?

To free myself from enough official Order responsibilities to begin my own search for knowledge. Much like Tholin does... I'm not sure how much I'd sacrafice to do this. Surely I'd sacrafice my standing in the order's political heirarchy.

18. How much does your character view the Jedi practices as a religion? At this time, the Jedi are often viewed as somewhat monastic and spiritual. Later, they are even less "worldly" and more set off. The roots of this separation were placed even in their founding and are very pronounced in this era. Does your character put his faith in his own abilities or in the Force?

Jedi practices are not religion. The Force is a muscle or tool, not a crutch. The force gives Igashu a significant tool, and advantage over others that are unable to use it... however, depending on it too heavily is a weakness that he avoids. He personally believes that over dependence on the force will lead on the path to the dark side. At the same time, he recognizes it as a wonderfully valuable tool, and practices to hone his skills with the force, as much as he practices any other skill.

This is not to say that the Jedi tradition is not Spiritual. It is, but for Igashu the metaphysical aspects of the practices have no religious significance. He sees them more like philosophy than outright religion.

19. If you could, what advice would you give your character? Take a good, long look at the other questions before answering this one. Speak to your character as if they were sitting right in front of you, and remember to use the proper tone. You'll want to make certain your character actually listens to you when you give him this free advice.

This is an important one to answer. Give it a good thought.

Look Kid, you've still got a lot to learn. First off, calm down, you're a bit too exciteable. Everyone loves a good joke now and again, but you're going at a pace to wear out your welcome. Second, you're going to have to start trusting people. Not everyone is out to get you. The order isn't all bad, there's lots of good people who are part of it, and they can help you. Third, learn your limitations. It's good to have confidence in your abilities. It's good to push yourself beyond those limits occasionally. Do not do so foolishly and half heartedly. If you can't do something, look for another way first, re-evaluate the need second, and risk last! Forth, get some damn exercise kid! Being a Jedi doesn't mean you can be lazy, look how winded you were walking back and forth between the sith temple and the spaceship.

20. Does your character have an ultimate goal, and if so, what? Knowing what a player intends to do with a character helps me focus subplots and even major story-arcs. Make sure that I know what you're looking to do and what subplots you want to see brought up.

See answer to question 17

How does he plan to go about it? What about the medium-term goals that are the waypoints to this?

Well there are some shorter term goals as well. For instance, I'd like to improve some of my skills. I'm really lousy at quite a few things. I'd like to focus in a bit, and become a truly good at a few things. Investigation for instance, lightsaber holds some interest. I'd like to be a compitent ship pilot, and to craft my own lightsaber. I want to defeat that Dark Jedi who keeps crossing our path, and I'd like to get a few more digs/explorations under my belt.

21. What is your character's secret, and what will happen if it's discovered? Everyone has a secret. What are you hiding? Is it significant enough to get you kicked out of the Jedi Order? What about forced into exile until you have meditated on it? A slap on the wrist? Continual derision by your peers?

I currently have no deep dark secrets. I've been open about my past, my feelings on the jedi order... Maybe that dream sequence with Tholin is my secret. Not that I think it would get me in any trouble.

You sure that there's nothing you would want to keep secret? There's almost always something.

Forther clarification then. Igashu certainly has things he doesn't like to talk about. I wouldn't call most of the secrets though. He's an Orphan, and that can be a touchy subject that he preferrs to avoid. Bad memories of the Quindo's pinky incident, keep that as another not so fun topic. His relationship with Master Chinook, was personal, and not open. Again, not a secret per se. Just not something he talks about.

22. What does your character think about the political climate in the galaxy? The Republic is on an expansion run that hasn't slowed in over a thousand years. Smaller nations are cropping up and either finding themselves annexed, effectively joined through economic domination, or get caught up in a war against a Republic client state. About the only independent powers that seem to have any staying power are the Hutts and the Hapans. Is your character for Republic expansion? What about the increasing bureaucracy and conquering of the frontier? Billions of settlers from the core worlds are moving out to new lands in the Rim and these planets are developing into sprawling metropolises just like the Core. Byblos is a prime example -- in just 200 years, this well located but resource-poor planet is home to 3 billion inhabitants and growing.

Wow... I didn't know some of that... Not a big fan of the overly bureaucractic govt. Definitely not happy that smaller nations have no independent identity, and are force to join the republic. Expansion and colonization are unavoidable consequences of life. We just have to make sure it doesn't damage other life in the galaxy.

Even though the Republic is bringing peace, trade, stability, and a common forum to the galaxy? I painted them as somewhat overbearing, but they are still doing a lot of good. Wars are much less common and usually quicker with fewer lost lives.

Well then.... I like the good I hate the bad. I'm rather neutral about the Republic on a whole I guess. I figure it's getting harder to make the changes that need to be made, due to the beaurocratic nature of the Republic, but it's still possible to make them. You can still fight the good fight from within the system, and make it better... keep the good, cut away the bad. But Igashu isn't really motivated to do it, mostly because it's still working ok, he likely won't be interested until he ages, or until it's nearly too late.

23. What does your character do to relax? If your character enjoys painting, then perhaps you can be found in a very specific part of the praxeum during the morning or evening hours. Jedi known for drinking might have a favorite pub or dive.

I wander and explore. Sitting in a crowded metropolis, people watching, then wandering to a park or flying to a nature preserve and just wandering through the wilderness. It's all good.

24. If the character was given 100,000 credits, what would he do with it? With the Jedi a semi-monastic order that provides for most of the needs of its members, there is little need for money beyond fulfilling basic needs. Presented with this much moeny, many Jedi would be at a loss for what to do with it. Yet this is a very important question on the character's viewpoint. Would he offer it to the Order, hoping to support that which has supported him, or would he hold on to it for his own ends or for a rainy day later on? What if this money was found on the street?

Oh, rainy day how I love thee! Igashu would be saving some and spending alot. Likely none of it would make it back to the order... I could get a ship for that, and take off to see the rest of the galaxy! If I found it on the street? A mystery! Solve it, then decide what to do with the money.

25. What is the character's view of non Force Users? Of nobility? Of poor people? Of Refugees? Of aliens? This cannot be ignored as it will affect most everythign a player does. Some Jedi are disdainful of those that cannot sense the Force and resent the need to protect them. While not all of these fall to the dark side, it is often a way to start down that path.

I'm everybody's friend! Well at least I act like it. I've got no beef with non-force users. No issues with aliens... they're new and different, which could even be a plus for them. I'm not to keen on the nobility, because everything was handed to them their whole life... and I have a special empathy for refugees and poor people, having lived on the street myself.

Again, you sure you don't have some opinion on big buisness laying people off and droids replacing many workers? What about the Hutt connection to galactic crime?

Stop asking questins twice! :-P Again, you make this comment, so I'll have to answer again. Under normal circumstances I have no real predujices. I have described in more detail my negative feelings towards certain types of people in question 9. and I suggest you refer back to that for more detailed information. I'll just say in short, If you've had an easy life, Igashu has little faith in your abilities. If you're arrogant on top of that easy life, Igashu won't like you. If you exploit people for your own selfish gains, you have earned Igashu's ire.

26. What are the names of the character's Parents and/or Guardians? Master? What do the parents do? What does his master do? What does he teach? Not all Jedi are the same and most are quite specialized in a certain area. Some do not teach at all, but may take students for a short period by necessity. Parents, of course, can do anything. Additionally, what the parents/master/guardian do will affect how the character has grown up and meshed with his environment. A child of diplomats going from posting to posting may lead to a very nomadic or stationary person. A child of military engineers building naval resupply yards and Rocket Jumper barracks might cause a child to grow up a bit rough and tumble and have trouble making friends later in life, having trouble in the praxeum, etc. A relative may have taken a lifepath not approved of by the rest of the family, drawing derision.

I've not had much consistent guidance during my childhood. I alienated a number of masters at the praxeum with my antics. I have no parents... I've kind of been a bit nomadic, and had many teachers/guardians. I intend to continue that trend well into the future.

There's got to be something here. Have any of your Masters really affected you? Chinook (I presume he was a battlemaster using counterrotating sabers as his method of defense?) perhaps? Another?

Actually I've changed this a bit. I've taken the liberty of chaning some of this. I've fleshed out a bit more of the relationship with Master Chinook, and increased his importance in my background. He was in fact a battlemaster, and he taught a number of classes on saber use and maintenance. He has always been particularly fond of teaching the beginners the rudiments of saber use, for tw reasons. First he could ensure all students had a solid rooting in the basics, and second he could get a sneak peak at the future advanced students whom he might be instructing in the intricies of the lightsaber. He was a stable figurehead for me to look up to, and who looked out for me while I was growing up at the praxeum. Since the inciden with the stolen saber, and quindo's missing figer things have been a bit strained. He definitely has never approved of my flighty attitude, but has always encouraged me to strive for my best. Now that I've left the praxeum it's likely that the distance between Chinook and Igashu will become a larger rift. I imagine that Chinook will always wish the best for Igashu, and be curioush what is happening in his life. Igashu for his part will always have at least a subcounscious desire to make the master proud.

27. What reward would your character most want to recieve? Power? Glory? Station? Lightsaber crystals? A seat on the Council? Those who think a good deed is its own reward may have trouble answering this question and may have lost their focus on life as well...

OOoooooo Crystals! I like lightsabers... A ship of my own... a rare Holocron! That'd be da bomb! Teacher in a box... can't beat that.

28. What does the character's lightsaber loook like? What color is the blade? Are there any options included? What about the hilt - what color, how long? Is it modern or ancient? Is it even made out of metal or something more exotic? Was it passed down from a parent or Master or is this a cheapy loaner until you build your own? If so, then what would your ideal lightsaber look like?

It's a loaner, I'm trying to figure out what I'd like my ideal lightsaber to look like. It'd likely have ALL the options I could cram into the thing. ;)

Well I'm just horribly impressed with all of the designs at Parks Sabers, but the fusion is by far my favorite. This is what Igashu's lightsaber will look like... minus the on off switch. In the end, all the switches will be internal to the saber, requiring use of the force to activate it.

Think on this, as you get the skill to put one together, you should have it completely designed by the time you actually get around to building it.

Actually I've taken the time to look over the lightsaber bits in the jedi handbook and I at least know some of the options that Igashu would be interested in putting into the saber. They are, Variable Lengths, Extra Damage, Non-metal Construction, Stun, and Internal Switch. I'm still thinking about external appearance...

29. Does your character worship any outside religion? What are his opinions on religion that do not include the force (or any other tenants other religions he subscribes to)? The religious outlook of a character can determine many things -- some see this as limiting while others see it as a function of their decision making process. I'm not asking you to rp devotion to a higher power if you don't wnat to, but there are other religions in the galaxy, from monotheistic to animism and things that humans haven't even thought of.

No outside religion.

This also asks his opinion of religions. Silly wastes of time, a bet that you can't really lose by subscribing to them, etc.

For the peace of mind they give, they're worthwhile for those belive. If you learn someting useful about being kind to each other and living together even better. But for me, a non-believer, they're a silly waste of my time.

30. What is your character's favorite posession? A character should define the object that he most adores. He might carry it with him everywhere, or keep it in an important place at home. Give the item a backstory (i.e. "This cloak was worn by my master at the Battle of Onderon" or "My sister wrote this poem for me at my wedding")

My spare credstick. I've had it longer than anything else, and it's the only thing that's truly mine. I got it on my first job, and I've earned every credit in that account! Everything else I've ever had was stolen or on loan from the Order.

31. Who is the character's closest friend? It may be difficult to come by true friendship in the Jedi Academy, with it's grueling schedule and frequent travel in pursuit of your studies.

The animals I left behind :(. I have a problem with trusting... which makes it hard to form close and lasting relationships.

32. What does your character love, hate, and fear? Remember, Jedi are still people. It's easier for me to create a subplot that involves you if I understand who you are. Emotions are the core of a person's humanity. Think about your character's emotions to combat, death, lima beans, etc.

combat: Dangerous... quite a rush. To be avoided though, could wind up dead or on the path to the dark side.

death: bad. Trying to avoid it as long as possible. When the time comes I hope I can go with dignity.

lima beans: Always hated them... lima bean wednesday was always the worst in the praxeum caf!

Seriously though, I'm working on this still...

love - Plumcot fruzzles, having a small group of people I can almost call friends... kinda like a family. Animals, exploration, and learning.

hate - snobbery, eploitation of people be it be corporate or criminal, people getting free ride or never being tested

fear - too stupid to fear much. Loss of friends, disappointing a respected authority figure (right now Chinook is the guy, J'ror is getting there, but no one else counts)

Keep working on this. Anything that you think would drive a strong emotional response.

I'm expanding the list above...

33. Describe your character's ideal mate. For Jedi, true love is far less common than Sith (well, not really, but it seems that way). Remember, you have a duty to the Order that frowns upon excessive connection with things that may be passing, but that also encourages people to be their best. As a side note, would your Master/parents approve of any romance with this person (or any other)?

Uh... from igashu's pov... Red head, thin but curvy... you get the idea.

I'm not sure I see him with anyone. If something comes up during the course of the game, I'll let ya know.

Okay. But what about her personality?

Well... I think she'll have to be a foil of sorts. A bit like me in the sense of humor dept., but perhaps also a bit more mature, actually acting her age. Comes from a privilaged background, forcing that lack of faith issue, at the same time she's confident, and able to take care of herself.

34. Your character has just seen another Jedi use a Sith power. What does he do? The knee-jerk response of a character may just say more about their character than day to day. The key is to think how they would react, not just acts.

Try to stop them! Oh, it's too late. Lecture time! (remember my "Jedi shouldn't lie speech" I gave to Davin?)

What's the knee-jerk response? Revulsion? Disgust? Fear? Envy? I bet there's something before the lecuturer steps in.

Well there is but it's not a definable thing. The knee-jerk is STOP THEM! But what does that entail? It's all situation dependent. How bad is what they're doing, do I know them? Are they a Dark Jedi trying to kill me? or and angry friend using the force to crush a tin can... My immediate reaction is to use as little force as I feel is necessary to stop it from happening... that dark jedi attacking me example results in minimum force of splitting my attacker in half.

35. How does your character feel about those that practice Dark Side Powers? This one should be pretty self explanatory...

Them's the bad guys. Don't like 'em much.

Yes, but what would you do? Same question base as 34.

and again... it depends I can't answer this one with specifics, just like the last one. If I feel I can stop/capture the DJ without killing I'll try. If I don't think I can, killing is ok. If I have to run away lest I get killed/captured I'm fine with that to, but I'll decide based on situation when the time comes.

36. How will the character die? Remember, Jedi are based on Samurai and not many eastern epics end well for the main characters (see Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon). Jedi also get the benefit of being able to see into the future... sort of. If you have the Farseeing power, you might actually see something. You might not. How would you like to die? How do you really think your character is going to die? Tied down and killed in a Sith lair isn't the best way to go, but it might just happen. Don't be afraid to give me ideas, this is more an idea on how willing a character will be to sacrifice than on how I'll kill off characters.

Lying in bed, old and peaceful. Making one last joke, at the expense of a few students... laughing as I fade away becoming one with the force.

Barring that, dead while fighting the good fight, or sacraficing myself for a worthy cause (fall on the grenade type of thing).