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Visit my Poetry Grab-Bag and some writings.
Totally Random Catfish Provo Fact Number Two:
"I gather the pieces of shattered shells and they build themselves into fine china!"
- Joe Provo
Might I suggest checking out Steve Richardson or checking out Bill Marrs; ASAP.
Want more spew? Whatever you do, beware the Headless Cow!
And as a parting shot, a sample from the Weekly World Spew's concert, club and music classifieds:
Weekly World Spew Concert, Club and Music Classifieds | German Industrial Giants: Unterzeneinachs Tzeugeuban kickin' ass with ... Girls Left at the Next Light ... Free M&M's at the door! Call 555-7348 for tickets! | Performing for the first time next Autumn - Silver Transforms to Mercury with Dead The Zorb and The Chicken Soup!! |
IUI rockin' the house with the masters of industrial: Present Noise of L.A. | Joe in Shackles jammin' with ... Meddling Babies ... Free Ipecac at the door! |